Monday, May 17, 2010

Twinkie Defense not working? Try "Gay Panic"

*This story is pretty old, but is still relevant for its complete riDONKulousness. Read on.

Michael Griffin, a 25-year-old ex-marine and Bloomington, Indiana resident, stabbed Indiana University professor Don Belton in Belton's kitchen six times with a ten-inch military knife.


Some "experts" (morons) have speculated it might have been "gay panic", where the assailant was rendered temporarily insane by the perceived romantic or sexual advances of the victim.

Just sounds like regular ol' homophobia; but apparently, this is getting serious consideration. In Illinois, it allowed one man to walk free after stabbing a person 60 TIMES.
So much for thou shalt not kill.

Carrying Condoms in DC? You may get charged with prostitution

That's right, D.C.'s mayor has enacted a new law that allows police officers to arrest you if you're carrying more than 3 condoms on your person - which apparently identifies you as a "sex worker".
I thought condoms came in packs of at least 3. Isn't this incrimination by way of purchase? That'd be the same as buying beer and being arrested for a possible DWI.

Angry White Crackers

Currently we've seen a resurgence of the Angry White Cracker (AWC) in modern American society. This, apparently, didn't come about on its own, but is blamed on our President - who, by the way, if you didn't know - is black.
There are those who don't like Obama simply because of his policies; however, those are not the ones we hear from at the protests and vocal town hall meetings. The fact is that racism is becoming modern again, now a fad, a trendy way to make yourself look like the next 'real' patriot.
These coffee shop revolutionaries claim to promote the constitution when in reality they are undermining the principles of it - all in the anger of a black man in the white house. The America they supposedly they knew was one where minorities 'knew their place'; now with the advancement of minorities to a more equal footing, this xenophobic societal culture is being eroded - and thousands of white Americans want that back.
For the Teabaggers, submitting to the democratic republic that we've had for a century is no longer an option - even though they wanted America to do so for eight years.
It's not Obama's fault that a bunch of racist, bratty, selfish, angry, fat, hypocritical, and purposefully ignorant white crackers want to ditch American democracy all in the name of ousting a black man from office. Unfortunately, that's who they blame.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hate, Loathing And A Rant At Breakfast

I sit here with a box of total blueberry pomegranate cereal by my side as I write this, contemplating the past few weeks while loading my e-mail that I have neglected for three days.

Damn hipsters. They're fucking everywhere. Why do I hate them so much? I don't hate anyone else.
Their fashion, ideals and cultural identity spring out of my generation. Yet I just don't get it.
Why should I drink? What's the point? Why get fucked up when I have work to do?
Why should I wear really tight jeans? I'm chubby. Tight jeans and chubby don't mix.
I just don't understand hipsters at all, even though I complain and make fun of them all the time. Is this another fad or a new social construct?

And what the fuck is up with the absolutely shitty music they listen to? Seriously – clothes and identity is one thing; copied, mediocre, lame-ass songs stripped of all relevance is another.

I can't do this. Being a 45-year-old male in an early 20-something body is insane. There seems to be little intelligence left in the world, as morons procreate and proliferate the globe.
Ranting is killing me. Maybe if we started thinking just a little bit....

How else can one explain the following:
  • Missionaries failing to comply with a countries' law when they're actually inside it
  • Top military brass advocating for the abolition of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”, then having GOP senators decide that they're wrong
  • Reality TV
  • The fact that millions upon millions of actual people decided that global warming was false simply because we experienced winter & winter-like conditions this year
  • The Snuggie and the people who buy it
  • Tea-Baggers
  • People becoming famous simply by being horrid humans to others – and taking pride in that fact.
Dear hipsters- Thank you for showing who you really are, culture-less, racist white kids who think they are something special. Your small segment of the population is where originality and creativity goes to die.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Linux, Ubuntu, Eeebuntu, Debian & a EeePC 900 Netbook

Lately I've been doing some thinking about this blog and the direction it will take.
After some thought., I came to the conclusion that it will go anywhere I damn well please.
Without further ado, we now move on to the next post.

I broke my netbook the other day. Turns out I haven't outgrown my Ubuntu/Eeebuntu diapers yet.
Tried to install a smaller, adapted version of Debian; but since the version was based on “Lenny” rather than the newer (albeit unstable) “Sid”, all of the packages (programs, applications and such) were out of date. Installing Sid on my netbook sounded like a really bad idea considering the lack of stability, but then again I've only used Linux for about a year, Ubuntu at that.

To be honest, I would love to use Debian. Yet the swift, clean installation of Ubuntu is terribly rewarding, and is what has took up 90% of my computer use to date (as opposed to my pre-linux days where I used XP).

UPDATE: Eee ACPI settings utility has started to go haywire. No specific idea why; possibility that Xorg could be the culprit. Haven't messed with Xorg before. This wouldn't be much of a problem except that it's messing with my touchpad, and I'd like to be able to use that on random occasions. It first started refusing to adjust CPU speed, which was manageable since I don't really need high performance since I mainly use the thing for internet access, but now it's starting to piss me off.
I think I'm going to have to make the unfortunate switch to Ubuntu NBR temporarily until EB4 comes out – but methinks that may not solve my problem if Eee ACPI refuses to work.
Maybe a BIOS update is in order?

UPDATE TWO: Fixed the touchpad problem somehow. Either by way of modifying the settings to enable the touchpad while typing or by erasing the “4” after the string of line in the GRUB boot kernel for the latest version of Eeebuntu – or maybe both. So no Ubuntu NBR as long as things keep working. Here's to upgrading to EB4 in a few months!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010




Many of us own cell phones. They range in price from inexpensive to iPhone price (about $400.00, last I checked).
Yet some of us just can't have a phone that is just a cell phone (or a smart phone, or a Blackberry, etc.); it must be so much more that it has to be custom-made.

Enter in an Australian businessman, a regular iPhone 3G and designer Stuart Hughes - and you get this:

The World's Most Expensive Phone.

Called the iPhone 3GS (S meaning "Supreme" - woohoo), it contains over 200 diamonds, and the case is made of 22-carat gold. The navigation button is a rare 7-carat diamond that took nearly a year to procure.
How much did it cost? Hughes paid about 3.2 million dollars to put this thing together, which may or may not include the cost of the phone.

One wonders if they were blood diamonds...which leads us to a horribly revealing new list - after the jump.