Let's face it, the middle east is a shitstorm of war, poverty, religious oligarchy, dictatorship, tribal feuding, and radical regression that won't be leaving anytime soon. Unfortunately, it seems that nearly every world power wants (and has) their hand in the mix, making this somewhat isolated area now a worldwide issue. The powers can't slow the storm, thus making things either worse or moderately better.
In the meantime, though, there
Dubai used to be a podunk trading town until some time ago, when
Dubai's economy grew at a blazing pace, making China's economic growth look pre-pubescent in comparison. Sadly, Dubai fell just as quickly as it grew, and the many projects started in Dubai with foreign investors who loaned money from the city were hit hard from the global economic recession that began in the U.S. Due to the fact that Dubai's government legislation is still stuck in the 1600s, citizens (foreign or otherwise) can be thrown in to debtor's prison - something that all civilized countries have gotten rid of. So all of those foreign investors jumped ship, leaving behind not only their residences & cars (unlocked with keys in the ignition, I might add), but anything that didn't fit on a plane or a ship.
Thus leaving Dubai, once a city in frenzied construction, now a ghost town with unpaid debt.
So, what happens now?
No one seems to know. In the meantime...